I thought I had it rough when I was a JW child. Thanks for sharing.
I feel better now.
Sour Grapes
ok before i start i know my mum was um "special" and had some, well...... bizzare training ideas.. .
i was one of 7 kids, dad didnt help much coz he was sick, so my mum was left to run the 'ship' and she did it with an iron fist.. .
we were never late for a meeting we sat, parents and 2 kids in one row the other 5 in row in front.
I thought I had it rough when I was a JW child. Thanks for sharing.
I feel better now.
Sour Grapes
hey there everyone, so this is a jw parody in the vein of the hitler flipping out about things that's all the rage on youtube.
i think it's really clever and alot of the youtube apostates are already thinking it's one of the better parodies on youtube.
check it out though, i'm sure everyone will laugh.
Wow !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sour Grapes
hey guys.... .
just wondering what kh you guys attended and or congregation you are from?.
me, i'm from hayes cong london and golden ash northants... spent time in others too but mostly those... oh, also a short spat in kempston cong bedford... all in england... :).
I am from the former congregation that I used to go to.
Sour Grapes
poetry isn't really my thing but i hope you can all relate!.
oppressive, repressive, a burden, a guilt,.
a childhood of dreams a new world to be built,.
Nice post!
Sour Grapes
hi guy's & gal's,.
as many of you now know, i have decided to create my own blog.
i have just finished the about me bit within the site.. it would be very much appreciated if you could read what i've written and let me know what you think.. here is the link to it;.
I enjoyed your blog. I have shared many of the same
mental abuses you did as a child. I am still "in" for the
sake of my family but as all of the "new truths" are
revealed in the Witchtower and the light keeps getting
brigher and brigher, they are beginning to smell a rat.
Sour Grapes
honestly, i can't remember if i told some of this already, so if i repeat myself, please allow me this.
i am practicing for old age..... it is now 6 years since i got the "long form" application for gilead, with over 120 questions to answer.
5 years since i got my notice that we were selected to attend the 119th class of gilead from april-september 2005.. prior to this, i really wanted to be a co. i won't belabor the point about my ex jw wife wanting to go overseas, but suffice to say, her goal won out over my goal.
Thanks for sharing Jeff. I am thankful that you are a
part of our community and I hope that any borderline,
sitting on the fence Witnesses, read your posts and
learn before it is to late. A life is a terrible thing to waste.
Sour Grapes
do you have talent as a musician?
how much better would it be if you focused on pioneering!.
are you artistic?
I was accepted to go to a medical school but then the elders
told me that I was waisting my time. Why would I want to
enter a profession that will not be needed in a few more years.
That was 45 years ago.
Sour Grapes
when i read these eye witness accounts from haiti.
like jehovah is blessing his people with diesel fuel.
and food my brain begins to bleed.
When I read these eye witness accounts from Haiti
like Jehovah is blessing His people with diesel fuel
and food my brain begins to bleed. The JW's make
it sound like God came down from heaven on his fiery
charriot with a 50 gallon drum of diesel sitting in the
back of the charriot. How about the hundreds of thousands
of other Haitians who have received fuel, food, and
medical attention from countries all over the world
and from the good efforts of so many churches. I guess
that is not from Jehovah, it is just a stroke of good luck.
I had a dear Witness friend who recently died. He was
having surgery and died on the table. He was an elder,
pioneer, family man, role model in the congregation.
I am sure that everyone was praying for a successful
surgery but he died. Maybe Jehovah did not hear their
prayers or maybe he just doesn't care.
Sour Grapes
....either in publications, during talks or by individual witnesses?.
That I would not finish high school or get old.
Sour Grapes
they have 16,000 jw's in haiti who are now mostly desititute and will be for a long time.
how long will the wt hand out free food, clothes, shoes and pay for their medical care?
or will they just tell them to go to caesar for medical care?
When they repaired homes after Katrina, they required that the
Witnesses forward the issurance claim and check to the WTBS
when it was paid.
Sour Grapes